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    For Your Dream Home Interiors Design Solutions in Gurgaon & Delhi NCR

    Where Art Meets Functionality

    Thousands of people look for Interior Designers every month on Bark. Be the first one to reach out to them. Decons Company make a best interior

    Your home is not just a place; it is an expression of your personality, a sanctuary of comfort, and a reflection of your dreams. At Decons Architechture and Interior, we understand the significance of creating dream home interiors that capture your essence while ensuring functionality and beauty coexist harmoniously. Whether you reside in the vibrant city of Gurgaon or the dynamic Delhi NCR region, our team of passionate architects and interior designers is here to transform your vision into reality.

    In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of dream home interiors and shed light on how our expertise can elevate your living spaces in Gurgaon and Delhi NCR.

    Understanding Your Dreams:

    Designing dream home interiors starts with understanding your dreams and aspirations. Our journey with you begins by delving into your preferences, lifestyle, and unique requirements. We believe that your home should be a reflection of your story, and our dedicated team ensures that your vision is at the core of every design decision we make.

    Innovative and Personalized Designs:

    We take immense pride in crafting interiors that are tailored to your needs and aspirations. Our team brings together innovative concepts and cutting-edge design trends to ensure that every inch of your dream home showcases your individuality. From modern minimalism to opulent luxury, we cater to diverse styles and create spaces that resonate with your sensibilities.

    Creating Spaces that Inspire:

    Our architectural and interior design expertise goes beyond aesthetics. We firmly believe that every space should inspire and uplift your spirits. Be it the warm glow of natural light streaming through strategically placed windows or the seamless flow of open spaces, we ensure that your dream home becomes an inviting oasis that you’ll love coming back to every day.

    The Perfect Fusion of Art and Functionality:

    At Decons, we see design as an art form, but we never compromise on functionality. Our holistic approach to dream home interiors seamlessly fuses artistry with practicality. From smart storage solutions to ergonomic layouts, we transform your living spaces into functional masterpieces.

    Sustainable and Environmentally Conscious Designs:

    We take our commitment to the environment seriously. Our design philosophy emphasizes sustainable practices.By incorporating green design elements into your dream home, we not only create a beautiful space but also contribute to a healthier planet for future generations.

    Attention to Detail:

    The hallmark of our architectural and interior design firm lies in our meticulous attention to detail. From choosing the perfect color palette to selecting the finest materials and finishes, every decision is made with precision and care. We understand that it’s the little details that elevate a design from good to exceptional.

    Making Dreams Come True – Hassle-Free:

    Designing dream home interiors can be an overwhelming task, but our seamless project management ensures a hassle-free experience. Our team takes care of every aspect, from conceptualization to execution, so you can relax and watch your dream home come to life.

    How to Site Measure and Survey – Professional Interior Design

    When it comes to professional interior design, precision and accuracy are paramount. One of the foundational steps in any successful interior design project is conducting a comprehensive site measure and survey. As an architectural and interior design company, we understand the critical importance of obtaining accurate measurements and detailed data about the space we are working with. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of site measuring and surveying and provide you with valuable insights on how it is done professionally.

    Why Site Measure and Survey Matters??

    Site measuring and surveying is the process of collecting accurate and detailed information about the physical space in question. It is an essential step in the design process because it lays the groundwork for creating functional and aesthetically pleasing interiors. Here’s why it matters:

    Accurate Space Planning: Proper site measurements ensure that the interior space is utilized optimally, and the layout is both practical and efficient.

    Furniture and Fixture Placement: Accurate measurements help determine the ideal placement of furniture, fixtures, and other elements to create a cohesive and balanced design.

    Avoiding Costly Errors: By eliminating measurement errors, you can avoid costly mistakes during the construction and installation phases of the project.

    Seamless Design Integration: Accurate survey data allows designers to seamlessly integrate existing architectural features into the interior design, enhancing the overall aesthetic.

    Professional Site Measure and Survey Techniques:

    Here are some professional techniques used by our experienced team for site measuring and surveying:

    Use of Laser Measuring Devices: Laser measuring devices provide precise and instant measurements, allowing designers to capture dimensions quickly and efficiently.

    Detailed Floor Plans: Creating detailed floor plans, including walls, doors, windows, and other architectural features, ensures that every aspect of the space is accounted for.

    Photographic Documentation: High-quality photographs of the space are taken to serve as visual references during the design process.

    Digital 3D Scanning: In more complex projects, digital 3D scanning can be used to create a detailed 3D model of the space, aiding in the design and visualization process.

    Tips for DIY Site Measuring:

    While professional site measuring is recommended for complex projects, here are some tips for homeowners and DIY enthusiasts who want to measure their spaces accurately:

    Use a Measuring Tape: Invest in a quality measuring tape to measure distances, dimensions, and angles accurately.

    Take Multiple Measurements: Double-check all measurements and take multiple readings to ensure accuracy.

    Include Architectural Features: Account for doors,windows,and other architectural features in your measurements.

    Create Simple Sketches: Draw a basic floor plan and mark down the measurements to create a visual representation of the space.

    Conclusion says

    In the world of professional interior design, precision is the key to creating stunning and functional spaces. Site measuring and surveying form the foundation of any successful design project, ensuring that every detail is accounted for and integrated seamlessly into the final design. As an architectural and interior design company, we recognize the significance of this step and take every measure to gather accurate data about the spaces we work with.

    Whether you are embarking on a residential or commercial interior design project, our team of experts is equipped with the knowledge and tools to execute a precise site measure and survey. By combining our passion for design with meticulous attention to detail, we transform your vision into a reality that exceeds your expectations. Trust Decons Architecture and Interiors for all your interior design needs, and let’s embark on a creative journey together.

    The Construction Site Set Up To Do List To Start

    How to do Interior Site Measurements

    The Construction Site Setup To-Do List:

    Before the real work can begin, the following tasks must be completed during the construction site setup:

    Safety Assessment: Conduct a thorough safety assessment of the site to ensure it is safe for everyone involved in the project. Implement safety measures, provide safety gear, and establish clear guidelines for all personnel.

    Site Clearance: Clear the site of any debris, obstructions, or unwanted materials to create a clean and safe work environment.

    Site Marking: Mark the boundaries and key reference points on the site to aid in the construction process and facilitate accurate measurements.

    Utility Check: Identify and locate existing utilities such as water lines, electrical connections, and gas lines to avoid any interference during the construction.

    Temporary Facilities: Set up temporary facilities, including offices, storage areas, and restrooms, to accommodate the project team and ensure smooth operations.

    How to Do Interior Site Measurements??

    Accurate interior site measurements are the foundation of any successful interior design project.
    Gather Essential Tools: Equip yourself with essential measuring tools, including a laser measuring device, measuring tape, level, and graph paper.

    Create a Floor Plan: Start by sketching a basic floor plan of the space, including walls, doors, windows, and any architectural features.

    Measure Wall Dimensions: Use a measuring tape or laser measuring device to measure the length and height of each wall. Note down the measurements on your floor plan.

    Determine Door and Window Sizes: Measure the width and height of each door and window, noting the dimensions on your floor plan.

    Measure Ceiling Height: Measure the height of the ceiling from the floor to the highest point, capturing any variations in ceiling height.

    Record Room Dimensions: Measure the length and width of each room, noting down any irregularities or unique features.

    Identify Obstacles: Identify any obstacles, such as pillars or built-in structures, that may impact the design layout.

    Capture Key Reference Points: Record the locations of electrical outlets, switches, light fixtures, and HVAC vents, as these will influence the placement of furniture and fixtures.

    Photographic Documentation: Take photographs of the space from multiple angles to provide visual references during the design process.

    This concludes:
    The construction site setup and interior site measurements are crucial steps in the journey of creating exceptional architectural and interior design projects. By following the to-do list for site setup and conducting precise interior site measurements, you lay the foundation for a successful and seamless design process.

    As an architectural and interior design company, we understand the significance of accurate measurements and how they impact the final outcome of your project. Our team of experts is well-versed in conducting professional interior site measurements, ensuring that every detail is accounted for in the design process.

    With our passion for design and meticulous attention to detail, we turn your vision into reality, creating spaces that inspire and delight. Trust Decons Architecture and Interiors for all your design needs, and let’s embark on a creative journey together.

    How to choose an architect / How to find the best residential architect

    We all have dreams for our homes It is a well- known fact that hiring a residential architect plays a crucial role when you are planning to build your house. It is so because; you might not have full-fledged knowledge about home or office building, so it becomes really significant to go for a professional help.

    A reputed, experienced and professional residential architect will definitely help you with all the planning, designing and construction aspects. Now, the big question is that how will you find the best residential architect within your region.

    Probably, there are certain points that you need to keep in mind while selecting or finding the best architect for your house. First and foremost point to keep in mind is that the commercial architects do not work like residential architects. So it is really important for you to start your search for residential architects.

    The best was that will definitely lead you to the best architect is word-of-mouth. This is so because people only remember the professionals who give their best and satisfy the customers in every possible manner through good work and offering the services at affordable prices as well. So, it is better to ask for references from family members, friends so that you get to know about the more preferred residential architects.

    Once, you have find one, now is the time to close the deal with all the monetary negotiations. This step holds importance because at times, the architects who are popular among the masses, demand more money as their fees. So, always remember to negotiate before finalizing the architect so that you can get the high class services but at affordable and economical prices.

    Another good technique of finding the best and most suitable residential architect is to view the work of an architect either in a catalog or visiting the houses in person. This is surely going to be a best option if you really want to judge the ability and creativity of an architect.

    In today’s new age, where eco-friendly thing are on rise and people are more stressing at going green, it is best if you can find an architect who can offer you green solutions for residential construction. All the above parameters will definitely help you find the best architect for your house and that too at economic prices as well.

    Though, there are many constructors or professional residential architects whom you can get in touch. You can also find your desired architect online as many of them online presence so that they are easily accessible and can easily reach out to large number of clients as well.

    Opt the way you want and hire the best residential architect to give a real shape to your dream.

    Interior Designers | Luxury Interior By Interia in Gurgaon & Delhi NCR.

    The best home interior designers in Gurgaon assure to satisfy you through the virtual visualisation process.

    If you own the home you are living in or if you have recently bought a home to live in it, it is likely going to be the most expensive asset that you consume. It makes sense therefore to make maximum use of the available space as each square foot of space inside the house has probably come out of a big chunk of your hard-earned money. Hiring an interior designer can help you get professional advice on how to accommodate all the needs of your household within the available space without compromising on the overall look of the house.

    Some people might be very good at visualizing how they want the interiors of their house to look, while others might be left completely befuddled by the wide range of choices available in the market. Interior designers tailor their advice based on the specific needs of each client and ensure that the house reflects the personality of its owner. From wall-fitting shelves to double-purpose tables, interior designers can bring you up to date on the latest trends in the market and how you can make your space look larger than it is without having to add any expensive furniture unless, of course, you want to.

    Interior designers come at a price but this is more than offset by the value they provide in terms of space usage. Also, many interior designers can provide you valuable guidance on how to design your home within a limited budget by letting you know of places where good quality stuff can be bought at bargain prices. Very often we end up overshooting our budget by a yard when attempting to design the interiors of our homes ourselves. Moreover, even after the added expenses incurred, our home might not match up to our expectations. engaging the services of an interior designer can not only save you a great deal of heartache as well as unnecessary expenditure.

    At a very basic level, a home should not only be comfortable to live in but also reflect the tastes and character of its owner, and an interior designer can help you achieve both objectives within the budgeted time and money.

    Best Home Interior Design Services in Gurgaon | Full Solutions

    Home Interiors at decons Experience Center, Gurugram. Head over to the decons Experience Centre in Gurgaon and get started on your dreames

    mordern home architecture planes-picking morderns designing for your home in gurgaon | New Delhi

    Imagine the beauty of your house from the eye of some other person who has came to visit your home! And start thinking about their opinion about your home. If answer comes in your mind is satisfactory then house is beautiful; if not, then house needs some ‘correction’.

    House is something that is one of the costliest assets people own these days! With the increasing value of real estate, houses have become very expensive now. Big space, open terrace and airy rooms are something rare to find, if a person has limited budget. Best thing one can do with the house is to make utmost use of available space that’s too in reasonable price.

    Therefore, the excellent option is to hire a professional to make house beautiful within existing space. Hiring an interior designer is one of the best things one can do with the house. An interior designer is creative, innovative and artistic that plans the design of the houses as well as commercial places. Interior designers help to make best possible use of space in the house.

    There are a wide range of options available in the market to improve the interior of the house but these things can create chaos in the mind as very few people have real taste and idea of interior designing. Only one person comes in the mind to avoid this confusion, and the person is Interior designer. Interior designer give their advice based on individual needs of the person. They use latest trends to make houses look more spacious, airy and larger. Best part of the interior designing is that anyone can afford this.

    No one design their houses without help of interior designer nowadays! Role of interior designers is so important that a well organized house or a commercial place can’t be imagined without their help. There are many interior designers for home interior are available in the market to help customers at very affordable price. People can easily hire them to get their dream house.

    Houses are not made up of just bricks and cement; houses are something where your soul resides. People forget all tension and stress in the home. So, it is very important for anyone to make a perfect home interior for mental peace and happiness. Various studies and reports also show that people living in clean and well maintained houses are more healthy and happy as compared to people living in unorganized houses.

    So, if anyone wants to hire interior designers, can look at the website of interior designing companies and can contact them to get perfect suggestion for house.

    Choose your best Interior designer for home interior.

    Who doesn’t want to live in a big, airy, spacious and lively house? We all want to build or purchase a house that has a big drawing room, cozy bedrooms and an airy kitchen etc.
    But, with the increasing prices of houses, everyone can’t construct big houses. So, maximum use of available space in the house is one of the best options we are left with. In this condition hiring an interior decorator is the best thing we can gift to our house. An interior designer understands the need of your house and works as per that. There are some of the following reasons why you should hire an interior designer for your home interior:

    • Expert in designing- Interior designers are experts in designing home interiors. House designing is the core part of interior decoration courses and that is sufficient reason to trust them. They can understand the need of your house; you can tell them your choice and they can design the house as per your need.

    • You will get the house of your dream- An interior designer can design the home interior exactly in the way you had imagined! An interior designer takes complete responsibility of everything and gives the best.

    • Time-saving- Most of us remain busy with our careers and job. In this condition, hiring an interior designer will be the best choice. It saves you time in choosing the best design furniture, curtains, lighting etc for your house, as a designer alone is enough to choose the perfect things for your house.

    • Energy efficient house- If you are an environment-friendly person then the interior designer can help you to design a house that would save power

    • Less stress and confusion- Hiring an interior designer saves you from the confusion and stress of designing a house. They can work day and night to make your house look perfect.

    • Great color combination- Only an interior designer can suggest you perfect colors for your home. They can use a variety of colors to make your house look lively. Nowadays we cannot even imagine getting a beautiful home interior without the help of an interior designer. They make your house lively where you can live happily. So, if you are planning to build a new house or planning to renovate your house then you must hire an interior designer to make your house a dream house.

    Who doesn’t want to live in a big, airy, spacious and lively house? We all want to build or purchase a house that has a big drawing room, cozy bedrooms and an airy kitchen etc.
    But, with the increasing prices of houses, everyone can’t construct big houses. So, maximum use of available space in the house is one of the best options we are left with. In this condition hiring an interior decorator is the best thing we can gift to our house. An interior designer understands the need of your house and works as per that. There are some of the following reasons why you should hire an interior designer for your home interior:

    • Expert in designing- Interior designers are experts in designing home interiors. House designing is the core part of interior decoration courses and that is sufficient reason to trust them. They can understand the need of your house; you can tell them your choice and they can design the house as per your need.

    • You will get the house of your dream- An interior designer can design the home interior exactly in the way you had imagined! An interior designer takes complete responsibility of everything and gives the best.

    • Time-saving- Most of us remain busy with our careers and job. In this condition, hiring an interior designer will be the best choice. It saves you time in choosing the best design furniture, curtains, lighting etc for your house, as a designer alone is enough to choose the perfect things for your house.

    • Energy efficient house- If you are an environment-friendly person then the interior designer can help you to design a house that would save power

    • Less stress and confusion- Hiring an interior designer saves you from the confusion and stress of designing a house. They can work day and night to make your house look perfect.

    • Great color combination- Only an interior designer can suggest you perfect colors for your home. They can use a variety of colors to make your house look lively. Nowadays we cannot even imagine getting a beautiful home interior without the help of an interior designer. They make your house lively where you can live happily. So, if you are planning to build a new house or planning to renovate your house then you must hire an interior designer to make your house a dream house.

    Home Decoration Is Must For A Hale And Hearty Body

    Having our home and getting it designed as per our desires and choices is the dream of all. There would probably be anyone in this entire world who doesn’t want to live in a beautifully decorated and well-designed home. A magnificently designed interior not merely functions well but also shows off the real personality of family members who live in. Behold the beauty of your dream home from the eyes of a visitor or a critic and ponder over the points that you have made after visiting your house. If all the points that you have made give you a positive feeling, the interior attraction of your house is inexplicable; but if you receive a negative feeling, your house is extremely screaming for some fruitful corrections. The Interior Designer House is one of the most costly assets that people love to own in the present scenario. It is just because of the rapidly growing demand and value of real estate. Big spaces, sunny rooms, airy windows, and open terraces are rare to find on a limited budget for a middle-class man. Getting a home designed by a designer doesn’t mean that there is unwanted interference from someone else in your own home on the contrary it means to give a real shape to your dream home. While designing the interior of any place, designers follow the advice of owners only but give them a professional touch to experience the real meaning of an attractive home. Houses are not only buildings made up of bricks and cement; it is something where our soul resides. It is the only place where we forget our all tensions and feel relaxed. So it becomes vital to have a well-decorated home to get mental peace and physical relaxation. So, if you are thinking of renovating the interiors of your house, you must hire a professional designer who can do it for you. These designers can simply be hired from the websites of the companies that provide you with these types of facilities.

    Modern home architectural plans – picking modern designs for your home

    Nowadays architectural styles have changed drastically, and today’s modern home designs replicate that. To plan modern architecture for your home, you will need to hire an interior designer or architect. There are many companies available for you in the market which offer this service and finding the most skilled and expert company with the newest and most alluring designs will be the main objective of any house owner who is planning to renovate or build a new home. Taking the service of an architectural company will allow you to work unswervingly with experts to build the home that you have always dreamed of. Planning the design of the house is vital to get the project right and only a skilled architecture will understand this. There are modern home architectural designs from which you can choose the design for your home. Building a new house is a very hectic task but with the expert, it can become very simpler. Selecting the design of the house is all about shaping how much space you need. You can find a wide range of modern home architectural designs in different shapes and sizes. After all, the purpose of building your home is to get the dream home of your desire. Before engaging an architect few things you need to consider: – How much you can pay them? – What services are you looking for? For example, are you looking for a custom design or do you want already designed modern home plans? – Are you serious about getting expert services? – are you liking the styles and plans that designers have? Modern home plans are formed for the people who don’t want to modify the design of their new house. But, if you have preferred to customize your floor plan, you can do this too by telling the architect what you want. The Services of a professional architect cannot be ignored when it comes to building a home.

    Corporate Interior Design – An Appealing & Welcoming Look To All!

    Most of us do not value the importance of interior design compared to other things! Believe it or not, interior design is an incredible and precious service that you should not ignore. If you are planning to renovate your house, there are umpteen good reasons for you to think about hiring an interior designer. Hiring an interior designer will help you to get your dream house. Not only houses, hiring an interior designer can make your office a great workplace too. Nowadays, almost all top-level corporate offices hire them to get extraordinary places of work. Architect for office design The main reason behind appointing an interior designer is because they make your home and office look nicer. The basic fact is that having a beautiful, comfortable and peaceful house makes your life better. A beautiful house and workplace make you happy and relaxed and that is the most important reason to employ a designer. Another tangible reason that interior design is important is that it increases the worthiness of your property. In many cases home buyers purchase a house appearance of the house; this raises the value of the house or workplace. Thus, houses designed by professionals have more value as compared to non-designed houses. In many cases, an interior designer also helps to get the maximum out of the space. Though it requires a bit more hard work than just painting walls or putting in new carpets but if you are seriously planning to renovate your house you must take advantage of their service. They get the proper training to design houses which are a core part of their course. The Last but significant reason behind hiring a professional to design a house is that most of us simply don’t have the skills to do it. We all want to live in a house that we can be proud of and also it gets appreciation from those who visit our house. Houses are the place where our soul resides. We forget all the stress and tension, the moment we enter in our house. So, for the sake of mental peace and comfort, a house with calming interiors is very important. Many reports and studies have proved that people living in tidy and well-maintained houses are more fit and happy than those living in not-so-organized houses. If you are planning to renovate your house you must not forget interior designers. To hire the best professional you can browse the internet; it will help you to find many websites of interior designing companies. You can contact them online or call them on the given numbers for further proceedings.g a right online firm and hiring the services of an unbeatable interior designer for your corporate company is the ultimate option before you to impress the visitors, business partners and potential clients. However, with the availability of limitless design themes, one can easily get carried away and choose to go with something that will not just be right for the corporation.

    So, accomplishing a right change for your company with the meaningful theme and modern design is not just an easy task for you. In order to achieve the eye catching and appealing change to your office interior, you need to have a proper plan in place, which will involve the communications and consultations with all the integral parties within the company. More often than not, the input of the clients, customers and the visitors will also play a pivotal role in determining your company’s look.

    Having gone through all the essential steps of planning, the final move that a company owner needs taking is to hand over the responsibility of revamping the office look to a professional interior designer. You must consider hiring these professional from a trusted online company that carries a major role in that line of work.

    Once you hire a right person to bring meaningful changes in your office look, your office will not only increase its performance and productivity but also give a welcoming look to all the visitors and clients.

    Reasons of Selecting Interior Designer from the Online Store.

    Interior designing can be defined as the process of shaping the experience of interior space, through the manipulation of the spatial volume as well as surface treatment. The interior designer draws on aspects of architecture, environmental psychological, product design and furniture design in addition to the traditional decoration. If you are planning to hire an interior designer, then you must choose the online companies as they offer numerous benefits, which are mentioned below: You can get convenience at all levels It offers an unparalleled level of convenience as you don’t need to get dressed and drive to your local shop; you can visit the website of the company and find the best deal for yourself. It is more convenient as there is no need to wait for the store to open. So, if you are working regularly, then you don’t need to take out time and make a plan for selecting the right company for this work. Inexpensive: It is a very cost-effective medium as the online organization entrepreneurs understand their customer’s potential. Generally, they reduce their profit margin for getting more and more potential customers. Hence, if you are planning to hire an interior designer, then you should not think twice before scrutinizing the internet facility and contact the marvelous companies as they offer world-class services effectively and efficiently. Make sure that you are booking the services of a company that has the license to avoid fraud organizations.

    Interior home designing- Best way to make your home a dream home.

    Interior design is not only about inner look of the building. Though, it plays crucial role in its functionality because even a big home can lack space if it has a poor interior design, on the other hand a tiny apartment or flat can be transformed into a cozy spacious house with the right design. Interior design is much more imperative than it may seem at a first glimpse and can be easily compared with the significance of architecture, at least when it comes to interior. Hiring an interior designer is therefore a good idea if you are building

    Transforming your home into a dream haven is an art, and at Decons Architecture and Interior, we specialize in turning your vision into reality. Our interior home designing expertise is the key to making your living space a true reflection of your style and aspirations.

    Crafting Your Unique Space
    Interior designing is about more than just aesthetics; it’s about capturing your personality and lifestyle. Our team collaborates with you to understand your preferences, ensuring that every detail resonates with your individuality.

    Functionality Meets Beauty
    We believe a dream home should be as functional as it is beautiful. Our experts meticulously plan each layout to optimize space and flow, creating a seamless blend of practicality and elegance.

    Tailored Elegance
    Your dream home is a canvas, and we customize every aspect to tell your story. From bespoke furniture to personalized accents, we infuse exclusivity into every corner, making your space truly one-of-a-kind.

    Small Changes, Big Impact
    Even small design choices can transform your home. Through strategic lighting, color selection, and thoughtful arrangements, we can turn any space into an inviting sanctuary.

    Your Dream, Our Mission
    At Decons Architecture and Interior, we’re dedicated to making your dream home a reality. Let us help you create a space that echoes your aspirations and encapsulates your idea of perfection.

    Interior home designing is the bridge between imagination and reality. Let us be your guide in transforming your house into a dream home. Contact us today to embark on this exciting journey towards elevating your living space.

    A new house or renovating the existing one. The home interior must be aesthetically attractive as well as practical.

    Though, most of the times to save money in interior designing, many people make blunder with their homes. And when they realize that they have done serious mistakes, they spend even more money for modifications than they would if hiring an interior designer in the beginning of the project. Therefore, never think that you are going to save money here. Interior designer in fact helps you to save money on renovation and modification of house in long run.

    However, it is not easy to decide which interior design will meet your needs because most designs generally do not show the need for modifications or improvements until you are truly using them. However, an interior designer will help you prevent finding yourself with a newly built home that could have been done better because they are properly trained to help clients as per their need and lifestyle. They will help you to choose the right paint color, decor, lightning etc. depending on what you how much you can afford to spend on the task.

    Nevertheless, the best and reputed interior designers are not cheap but it is far more expensive to make modification in your house within 1-2 year of its construction. Therefore it is way cheap in long run.

    If are building a new home or planning to renovate the old one, you must take help of this professional. Just hunt online and find best interior designer in your city.